indian cinema heritage foundation

Aulad (1968)

  • Release Date1968
  • GenreComedy, Drama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time142 mins
  • Length4374.49 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-55039-MUM
  • Certificate Date18/09/1968
  • Shooting LocationMehboob Studios, Roop Tara Studios, Famous Studios, Rajkamal Studios, Modern Studios

Kamataprasad with his wife Shardadevi had gone to Pashupatinath. In the stampede they lost their lonely child. The shock of the lost child was so severe that Shardadevi lost her mental balance. There was only one cure. A child was needed who could invoke her motherly feelings.

Dinu, who had once the honour of serving Kamataprasad came forward. It was a question of some days. He convinced his wife Mamata and handed over his younger child Sohan. Soon after this a calamity took place. His elder son Mohan one day left the house.

Kamataprasad was a forest contractor. He migrated to his forest bungalow. Thus seventeen long years elapsed. Bharati, with her father Major Gupta had come to that place to change the climate. One day accidently she met Aroon (Sohan). The meeting gradually developed into love. Mohan who had absconded from his place had become a Doctor. He was attending to Major Gupta. Right from Calcutta he had come to see him. Mr. Gupta had decided to marry Bharati to Dr. Mohan. Dr. Mohan did not like the intimacy between Bharati and Aroon. But before he could rebuke her on that account he had a very shocking revelation. Aroon was his younger brother Sohan. Since he had promised Kamataprasad not to divulge that secret to Aroon, he returned to Calcutta. The marriage between Bharati and Aroon was settled. The ceremony was to take place after the return of Aroon's parent from Pashupatinath. But what a miracle! After long seventeen years they found their lost child Suraj.

The attitude of mother was changed. Inspite of Kamataprasad's endeavour it was disclosed on Aroon that he was an adopted child. He left the place in search of his real parent.

Did Aroon succeed in his pursuit?
What happened when Kamataprasad and Shardadevi knew that Suraj was a fake child?
How the three scattered families were united?

See "AULAD" from the first to the last frame....

(From the official press booklet)

